Teaching the ‘Slice’ Action
What it is
A ‘Slice’ action is when a player passes to a teammate and then cuts behind that teammate’s defender, creating a “double gap” for the teammate to drive into. There are two types of slice cuts, occurring after a:
Pass from the wing to the seam (a “Wing Slice”), or
Pass from the seam to the seam (a “Trail Slice”).
“Wing Slice” Action
“Trail Slice” Action
The same as the “Wing Slice”, but instead Player 1 passes to Player 4 who is in the trail spot.
An extra benefit of the Slice action is that it places the cutter in a strong-side position (same side as driver) which reduces their defender’s ability to help off dribble penetration.
Teaching Points for the…
Call “SLICE” beforehand to alert your teammate (for beginners particularly)
Follow your pass and cut quickly, directly behind the receiver’s defender to the 3-point line. The defender should feel a gust of wind from your speed as you cut through!
Catch 'on the hop’ with feet square towards the basket (not the passer)
Don’t telegraph your preferred driving angle - jab to fake a baseline drive and read the defence.
Must get ‘two foot’ inside the key with your drive.
Other players
Don’t ‘replace’ the cutter immediately - this brings your defender towards the ball, taking away the double gap and driving opportunity.
Wait for a 2 count to see what the receiver does, then cut to receive the ball and perform the next action.
Training Activities
2v0: Incorporate the Slice action into an energising shooting game to start the training like “Scoring Duos”. Use the Slice action to teach an array of lay-ups and finishes, with teams on both sides of the basket to make things competitive.
2v2: Practising slice cuts 2v2 will give the offence some confidence to score by removing any help defence available to the defenders. Have players rotate from offence, to defence, to queuing (if needed)
3v3 or 4v4: Start the offence spread around the 3-point line and give them freedom to use a Wing or Trail slice action when starting the possession.
Scrimmaging: Give teams bonus points in your scrimmages for using a Slice Action, or add a rule that they must use a Slice Action in order to activate their scoring capability.